I’ve been reading Robert Bruce Thompson’s blog for about as long as I’ve been on the Internet. Bob was a really smart guy that always has something interesting to say and was never afraid to say it.
With the help of his wife, Barbara, he wrote a series of science books that were used by many homeschoolers. Here’s a list of some of his books:
Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments: All Lab, No Lecture
Illustrated Guide to Home Biology Experiments: All Lab, No Lecture
Illustrated Guide to Home Forensic Science Experiments: All Lab, No Lecture
If you’re interested in science or have a child that is, these are well worth picking up. They are well written and fun to read and experiment with.
Sadly, Bob died Saturday night. He had been in the hospital since early November with what first appeared to be just a bad lung infection. It turns out what was thought to be a lung infection was actually heart failure. They performed bypass surgery on him which seemed to go well, but they never seemed to be able to get a handle on the lung problem. Things seemed to be looking a little better recently, but then his wife received a call on Saturday that Bob had passed away.
Over the years I’ve had the pleasure to read and be educated by a lot of smart people on the Internet. Bob was one of them. He will be missed.